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George Verwer’s Invitation to ‘Come, Die, and Live’ Radically Changed My Life
WILLS POINT, TX — Amid the sorrow of millions of believers around the world after it was announced that K.P. Yohannan departed in the presence of God, we wanted to repost these...
K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) Laid to Rest
WILLS POINT, TX — The final funeral services for KP Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan), GFA World founder and Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church, were a bittersweet time for friends,...
A Loving Tribute by Hank Hanegraaff
CHARLOTTE, NC — I find it of no small significance that K.P. entered the “great cloud of witnesses” surrounding us between the Orthodox Church’s celebration of the Sunday of Holy...
Touching Millions of Lives through Radio
WILLS POINT, TX — The public viewing for the late Dr. K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) on May 15 in Dallas, Texas, was attended by approximately a thousand mourners, including...
The Gentle Man Who Shook the Missions World
MOORESVILLE, NC — KP Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) — founder of missions agency GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia) who died May 8 — once said to me: “I’m just a skinny kid from...
Texas Viewing for KP Yohannan Attended by P.J. Kurien & Many More
WILLS POINT, TX — On May 15, around a thousand people visited Restland Funeral Home in Dallas, Texas, to pay tribute the late Dr. K.P. Yohannan (Metroplitan Yohan), founder of GFA...
My Own Retrospective on the Life of KP Yohannan
It hadn’t been a full day yet since being told the news that K.P. Yohannan died. As I sat at my desk and recorded my thoughts, I am fighting back tears. I sense I am still in shock. I...
In Memoriam: KP Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) (1950-2024)
K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan), founder and director of GFA World and Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church, departed in the presence of God on May 8, 2024. He was a missionary...
Myanmar: Christians, Let’s Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters
Luke recorded Peter’s miraculous deliverance from prison after “constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church” (Acts 12:5). Today, our brothers and sisters in the Church in...
Revolution in World Missions
Step into the story of missionary statesman Dr. KP Yohannan and experience the world through his eyes—from the villages of India to the shores of Europe and North America. Watch out: His passion is contagious!
With fascinating true stories and eye-opening statistics, you’ll be challenged to examine and change your lifestyle in view of millions who have never heard the Gospel.
Free eBooks
Be blessed with these free downloads.
Download full length books written by KP Yohannan and his wife Gisela. In addition, you can also download KP Yohannan’s Journey With Jesus Series booklets. Once downloaded, you can read the books on your computer, or take them with you to read on your mobile device or tablet.

Messages from KP Yohannan
KP Yohannan speaks to you through thought-provoking and challenging messages taken straight from his teachings and books, which have been an inspiration to thousands of audiences around the world.
Hundreds of radio stations across the nation air KP Yohannan’s Road to Reality messages on how to die to yourself daily, live for Christ and develop a passion to reach the lost and dying.