To Be Loved By You - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

To be loved by You
To be in love with You
To live in Your love
It is by far the most joyous thing I know.

“Follow Me,” my ears heard
Your voice of love and care,
“Take My hand.” I respond:
“I will follow You all the way.”

For so long tried I to find
Answer to life and pain
To understand meanings
To find a reason to live.

Having You beside me
Gives me strength to live,
For Your love fills my life
Surrounds me with peace.

Overwhelmed by Your love
My world a better place
Sunshine breaking forth
Can’t hide my joy anymore

Read more of Dr. K.P. Yohannan’s poems in his book Dance Not For Time.

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Dr. KP Yohannan