Listen - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

Spider had her lunch
with the last fly she trapped;
then she cleaned her house
to avoid suspicion
from her next victim.

Moments later
a fly buzzed by her web.
Spider called out,
“Come on over, fly.
Let’s have a chat.”

“No,” said fly,
as he steered to one side
of the web.

There below,
he saw thousands of flies
dancing on the ground.
He wanted to go
and dance with them.

Bee flew by
and said to the fly,
“Don’t you land there;
you will die.”

“Go your way,
stinging Bee.
I know my people.
They are having fun
dancing down there.”

Bee flew away.
The fly circled
and began to land.
It was a trap.

What will it profit
to try to escape Spider’s trap
but land on a glue pad
and end your life?

Listen to God’s Word;
Though it may sting you much,
it is the only way to
live a full life.

K.P. Yohannan. “Listen.” Dance Not for Time. GFA Books, 2013, pp. 47-48.

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Dr. KP Yohannan