Books by KP Yohannan
Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $10.00
Title: Little Things That Make a Big Difference
Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $11.00
Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $10.00

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation: $11.00

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $11.00
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $11.00
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $11.00
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $11.00
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $11.00
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Remember learning how to ride a bike? The hardest part was learning how to stay balanced. Once you mastered that, you were ready to go anywhere. The same is true of life, especially for those of us who sincerely seek to follow Jesus Christ. All truth has two sides, and balanced attention to both sides of the coin is necessary to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Otherwise, our passion for the Lord can quickly turn into fanaticism and our ministry will eventually fade away.
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Do you have a strong resumé? Qualifications … Talents … Accomplishments … Do you realize that these credentials of yours may be hindering God from working effectively through your life? Don’t build in vain! To make a lasting impact on this world for Jesus, your life and ministry must be motivated and maintained solely by dependence upon the Lord Himself. This short but instructive book will help you turn from “leaning on your own understanding” to a life of childlike trust on God’s strength and grace. Do this, and watch your life blossom into fruitfulness!
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Hang around someone long enough and you’re bound to pick up their habits. And what were the “habits” of Christ, the qualities that changed the course of history? KP Yohannan encourages you to accept Jesus’s divine invitation to learn from Him. Just as He called the 12 disciples, our Savior welcomes you to walk the roads of life with Him. You will never be the same again.
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
The promise of God is still true today: Anything is possible to him who believes! So exchange all that biblical head knowledge for simple child-like trust, mixed with faith in an all-powerful God. Learn from KP Yohannan’s own struggles and lessons, and you too will grow to believe God despite what the eyes may see.
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Read about an abandoned girl who found hope at the end of the railroad tracks, a young boy who escaped after years of forced servitude, and many others whose lives have also been redeemed. You’ll be captivated by this powerful move of God as KP Yohannan leads you on a journey through the slums and villages of South Asia into the hearts and lives of these precious children.
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $11.00
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order

Author: KP Yohannan
Suggested Donation : $3.50
Please call us at 1-800‑946‑2742 to order