The God of Life Is in Us, So We Never Need to Fear

The God of Life Is in Us, So We Never Need to Fear

On March 20, 2020, four convicts were hanged at Delhi’s Tihar jail in India. More than seven years earlier, they had brutally raped and killed a 23-year-old young girl, a medical student, on a bus. You may remember it being reported all over the news in 2012. When...
Don’t Waste the Coronavirus

Don’t Waste the Coronavirus

The night is dark, but the moon is shining bright. There is a bright side to all dark events we face in life. Don’t close your eyes. In all situations, we have the opportunity to look around and find things we can learn in order to become more kind and loving. This...
Where is God in the COVID–19?

Where is God in the COVID–19?

Suffering is part of life—and it has a purpose. C.S. Lewis once wrote in a letter to a good friend, “I could well believe that it is God’s intention, since we have refused milder remedies, to compel us into unity, by persecution even and hardship. Satan is without...
New Time

New Time

Beginning denotes time. Yet there is a beginning That has no beginning, Nor time to mark it. Before time–began, In eternity past, When time was not— Our life journey was planned. The year behind us Was all in God’s design All good and bad To bless us with His...
The One Thing

The One Thing

In 1971, I was invited to spend one month in Singapore at a new institute that had been started by John Haggai. It was still in the formative stages then—a place where Asian church leaders would be trained and challenged to share the Good News of Christ. Haggai was...
Dr. KP Yohannan