by KP Yohannan | Aug 19, 2018 | Blog, My Writings
Naaman was raging with anger. He had traveled all the way from Syria with chariots full of gold, silver and expensive gifts for Elisha—and now the prophet wouldn’t even grant him a one-minute audience. And what was worse, Elisha’s servant passed a message to him that...
by KP Yohannan | Aug 13, 2018 | Blog, Poems
I heard silence speaking to me to be silent to question my soul to hear the voice of God. It is late after midnight I’ve been sitting alone leaning against the wooden pillars in my poomugam* in utter silence. In silence His voice I heard of love and mercy correction...
by KP Yohannan | Aug 11, 2018 | Blog
We can have all our doctrines right and be experts in the Scriptures like the Pharisees, but it will be of no use unless we apply it to our lives by faith. This was the reason why those Israelites whom God delivered out of Egypt could not enter their promised land:...
by KP Yohannan | Aug 6, 2018 | Blog
Spider had her lunch with the last fly she trapped; then she cleaned her house to avoid suspicion from her next victim. Moments later a fly buzzed by her web. Spider called out, “Come on over, fly. Let’s have a chat.” “No,” said fly, as he steered to one side of the...
by KP Yohannan | Jul 30, 2018 | Blog
Dear Jesus, Thank You For the air we breathe, The wonder of seeing and hearing For big toes and small that help us stand up straight For hands to write and touch, The gifts of smell and taste. Thank You For clothes to wear Food to eat House to live in Bed to sleep on...
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