Where is God in the COVID–19?

Where is God in the COVID–19?

Suffering is part of life—and it has a purpose. C.S. Lewis once wrote in a letter to a good friend, “I could well believe that it is God’s intention, since we have refused milder remedies, to compel us into unity, by persecution even and hardship. Satan is without...
The One Thing

The One Thing

In 1971, I was invited to spend one month in Singapore at a new institute that had been started by John Haggai. It was still in the formative stages then—a place where Asian church leaders would be trained and challenged to share the Good News of Christ. Haggai was...
Too Young to Be Useful

Too Young to Be Useful

I got my first rebuff when I applied to serve with a missions movement just after I finished my schooling. They first refused to let me join the teams going north because I was underage. However, I was permitted to attend the annual training conference to be held in...
Dr. KP Yohannan