More Important

More Important

A two-story mansion was their home Rich in affluence they had all in this world Servants they had to do everything. Occasionally beggars came asking for help. One day a blind beggar came by the gate with his wife holding his hand. He got some help and they walked away...
Love Is Saying . . .

Love Is Saying . . .

I think of you I will call you I will wait for you I miss you much I wish you were here I can’t wait to see you Please come soon I trust you Only you You are mine I am yours I can’t think of life without you Thinking of you I need you There is no one like you You are...
No One to Help

No One to Help

There was an elephant big and tall despised by all for he was mean. Alone he roamed through the woods terror to all shunned by all. One day he fell into a ditch no one came to help weeks he cried became weak died in solitude. No one lives on an island alone Live in...


“No longer will I yield to you,” said Moon to Sun. “No longer do I want to be used by you to shine your light. I am not your slave.” Night came. Earth looked for Moon, but she hid herself— and it was dark. The sky was black Earth was sad. Moonless sky— None looked up....
Happiness Is

Happiness Is

Happiness Is . . . A close friend Someone to love A house to live in To be appreciated A loving husband A gentle wife Children who mind An enjoyable job A boss who is human Hearing the words, “Thank you” A good sermon Good neighbors A loving dog Mild weather Good...
Dr. KP Yohannan