I opened the door
to my wardrobe
to get a shirt
that matched my suit.
Among the expensive
bright lovely clothes
an old shirt peeked through
that was faded and used.
Gray and old
collar torn
holes everywhere
stitches out.
It has been there for
twenty years
hung unused for
all these years.
I stood still
with the closet open
memories going back
to the early seventies.
In North India
with a few clothes
living with a team
working for God.
This was my best shirt
during those years
now it is old
without any use.
I still keep it
among the rest
to remind me daily
of those early years.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all His benefits.”
—Psalm 103:2, Bible
KP Yohannan. “My Wardrobe.” Dance Not for Time. GFA Books, 2013, pp. 182-183.
Read more posts by Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan or visit his blog on Patheos.
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It is important to remember the beginnings… I have lost many treasured things from my past, but I try to find meaning in the ones I still have. It is kind of a challenge to keep the past in its place, without making too much of it so that it becomes a kind of idol… I don’t know if I will get to the blessing part, what I have felt was needed to do what GOD has put in my heart, but I try to do like Paul in finding contentment in the current place. It is nice to keep our attitudes right… and sometimes the hardest challenge we face. Things create a public perception, in the church and in the world.
It is an eye opening and thought provoking dose! The past helps us to remain humble and stay focus. Also past is a good teacher who tells us to correct the mistakes we did:
Infact, it’s a heart touching poem for me; which has affirmed the faithfulness of God.Hence,it is a very special lession for us to remember His benefits & blessings in Christ.
Dr. KP Yohannan has been a faithful servant of Jesus over the years. May the LORD bless him in every aspect of his being. Thank you sir, for your faithfulness.