A seed of habit you sow now no matter how tiny it is some day it will too cast a shadow on your life. – KP Yohannan
A tiny seed
in the ground below
I watched for weeks
until it sprouted.
Inch by inch
the tiny plant grew
Now leaves, now twigs
for it was a teakwood tree.
Time moved on fast
fifty years passed
Now a mighty tree
under its shadow I sit.
A seed of habit you sow now
no matter how tiny it is
Some day it will too
cast a shadow on your life.
KP Yohannan. “Seeds You Sow.” Dance Not for Time. GFA Books, 2013, p. 181.
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Read more about living a life of significance.
A seed is a tiny, It’s not just seed but it’s a giant tree. Similarly Dear Metropolitan you have sown thousands of such tiny seeds in the lives of multitudes around the world , which has resulted in big movement in the form of Believers Eastern Church.
so nice.great one indeed.