What Is in Your Hand?

What Is in Your Hand?

During my early days of serving God, I remember being asked to share my testimony for the first time. This was one of the very first ministry assignments I ever had. I was hardly 17 years old. I walked up to the podium and just stood there. I don’t know what exactly I...
Too Young to Be Useful

Too Young to Be Useful

I got my first rebuff when I applied to serve with a missions movement just after I finished my schooling. They first refused to let me join the teams going north because I was underage. However, I was permitted to attend the annual training conference to be held in...
Raining Again

Raining Again

It is monsoon again I sit alone on my bed looking through the window watching the downpour. It is late afternoon the sky is angry and dark the wind is blowing strong a tree branch has fallen. Lightning shoots through the sky thunder roars the earth shakes I am scared....
Seeds You Sow

Seeds You Sow

A tiny seed in the ground below I watched for weeks until it sprouted. Inch by inch the tiny plant grew Now leaves, now twigs for it was a teakwood tree. Time moved on fast fifty years passed Now a mighty tree under its shadow I sit. A seed of habit you sow now no...
Dr. KP Yohannan