by KP Yohannan | Dec 4, 2017 | Blog
Enable me, Jesus, to build faith for someone to give hope to the hopeless to create confidence to generate enthusiasm to spread peace to turn dreams to reality to turn problems into opportunities to lift up the fallen to bind up the hurting to say a kind word to let...
by KP Yohannan | Dec 3, 2017 | Blog
I once heard about a man who was adamantly against me and all I stood for. Though we had never met, I decided to seek him out and ask if he would join me for tea. I was glad when he agreed and soon the two of us were sitting together in a public place talking. As we...
by KP Yohannan | Dec 2, 2017 | Blog
Recently, I picked up a copy of A.W. Tozer’s book The Knowledge of the Holy after many years since my first reading. Taking time to slowly read through the book, I’ve been challenged afresh by how deeply Tozer entered into the pursuit of knowing God. It’s been...
by KP Yohannan | Dec 1, 2017 | Blog
I stand here in amazement, realizing how unbelievable it is that God chose to use someone like me to impact the world. The book I wrote more than thirty years ago, now has more than 4 million copies in print. This shocks me! A Simple Book is Impacting the World...
by KP Yohannan | Nov 22, 2017 | Blog
Life is full of so many blessings. The question is: Do we take time to notice and acknowledge them as we go about our daily lives, or do we take them for granted? Pause for a moment and imagine losing even a few of the things that often seem so “normal.” Suddenly you...
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